Creating a story with Legos

We used  Legos to create a story this week. Each student added one piece, keeping in mind characters, setting, problem, solution, and the BEEF (lesson/moral, big event, or character change). Then together, each contributed a piece of the story. They had a lot of fun doing this activity!

Author Gary Hogg

Author Gary Hogg visited our school on Thursday. Here is a link to his website if you'd like to learn more information about him.
He presented to 2-4th grade and then had a workshop time with each grade level individually. My class loved it. They have been reminding each other to use their author's voices ever since! They are seeing many connections and putting them to use in their writing. I love hearing them remind each other to be brave and take chances. Way to go guys, keep it up! 

Dear parents:
We are beginning a habitat Science project. Each student will research an animal at school. AT HOME with your help, they will create a shoe box display that will include the animal, its home, dangers, and food. Anything may be used to create this.  Students will be allowed to take home their personal scissors, glue stick, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, and construction paper to complete this project. I would recommend hot glue as it holds up best.
The project will be due on Monday, April 20th. I want everyone to have plenty of time and want to take into account when paydays might fall in case you need to purchase anything. Most projects in the past have been created with discarded toys and very cheap supplies.
 I have provided pictures of examples from previous students. Be creative and have fun with your student! J (The project will be sent home with the student after a period of hallway display)

Points will be given as follows:
1. Animal must be included in project- can be a toy, made from paper or clay                                            10 pts
2. Animal’s home                                             10 pts
3. Food/Prey                                                     10 pts
4. Dangers to the animal                               10 pts
5. Student’s name on back of the box          10 pts
6. Neatness                                                     10 pts
7. Turned in on Time                                      10 pts
8. Class Explanation/Research  (Research and explain their project to class)               30 pts
Total                                                                   100 pts

Here are links to some of last year's projects:  ***Last year's projects do not include dangers to the animal so make sure if you follow one of these that you include this.